Selamat Datang di Relasi Nada Dunia
Relasi Nada Dunia (RND) adalah organisasi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan pelatihanterutama bidang seni pertunjukan yang terbagi di dalam seni suara, seni peran, seni musik, seni rupa serta keterampilan lainnya dalam industri seni dan kreatif di Indonesia.
Relasi Nada Dunia (RND), mempunyai visi dan misi untuk mengembangkan dunia seni, olah vokal, bermusik dan pendidikan keterampilan lainnya dalam dunia kreatif industri di Indonesia.
Our Class
Here you can review some statistics about our Education Center
Students can reach more than 5 octaves voice with "Muscle Coordination" vocal techniques. Improve your stage actions include body language, eye contact with the audience, stage blocking, facial expressions.
Playing an instrumental musical instrument turns out to be beneficial for the body and mind. Regardless of age and level of proficiency, playing a musical instrument is a form of cognitive training. We help develop the country's music world by exploring the individual talents of each student.
Feel your body with beats and music soul, the expression to the music. Improve your stage actions include body language, eye contact with the audience, stage blocking, facial expressions.
A series of programs designed to develop the potential and personality students, starting from standing, walking, modeling, posing, fashion shows, grooming and character development, etiquette and professionalism, acting principles, speaking in public, to table manner so that each individual can to be the best version of himself.